Biometric login


Authgear supports enabling biometric login in the native mobile application. To set this up, you will need to

  1. Enable biometric login in your application.

  2. Sign up or log in a user in your mobile application, use the mobile SDK to enable biometric login.

Enable biometric login in your application

  1. In the portal, go to "Biometric Authentication".

  2. Turn on "Enable biometric authentication".

  3. Click "Save".

Enable biometric login in mobile SDK

In the following section, we will show you how to use biometric login in the SDK. In the SDK code snippet, authgear is referring to the configured Authgear container.

  • Check if the current device supports biometric login before calling any biometric API.

// check if current device supports biometric login
var supported = false
do {
    try authgear.checkBiometricSupported()
    supported = true
} catch {}

if supported {
    // biometric login is supported
  • Enable biometric login for logged in user

// provide localizedReason for requesting authentication
// which displays in the authentication dialog presented to the user
    constraint: .biometryCurrentSet
) { result in
    if case let .failure(error) = result {
        // failed to enable biometric with error
    } else {
        // enabled biometric successfully
  • Check if the current device enabled biometric login, we should check this before asking the user to log in with biometric credentials

var enabled = (try? authgear.isBiometricEnabled()) ?? false
  • Login with biometric credentials

authgear.authenticateBiometric { result in
    switch result {
        case let .success(authResult):
            let userInfo = authResult.userInfo
            // logged in successfully
        case let .failure(error):
            // failed to login
  • Disable biometric login in the current device

do {
    try authgear.disableBiometric()
    // disabled biometric login successfully
} catch {
    // failed to disable biometric login
  • Error handling

if let authgearError = error as? AuthgearError {
    switch authgearError {
    case .cancel:
        // user cancel
    case .biometricPrivateKeyNotFound:
        // biometric info has changed. e.g. Touch ID or Face ID has changed.
        // user have to set up biometric authentication again
    case .biometricNotSupportedOrPermissionDenied:
        // user has denied the permission of using Face ID
    case .biometricNoPasscode:
        // device does not have passcode set up
    case .biometricNoEnrollment:
        // device does not have Face ID or Touch ID set up
    case .biometricLockout:
        // the biometric is locked out due to too many failed attempts
        // other error
        // you may consider showing a generic error message to the user

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