Running locally with Docker
How to run locally with Docker.
Authgear is available as a Docker image. It depends on PostgreSQL and Redis. To run it locally, the simplest way is to use docker-compose.
Create the project directory
Let's get started with creating a new directory.
Create authgear.yaml and authgear.secrets.yaml
First, we need to create authgear.yaml and authgear.secrets.yaml. Authgear itself is a CLI program capable of generating a minimal configuration file.
Run the following command to generate a minimal authgear.yaml:
authgear.yaml is generated in your working directory.
Run the following command to generate a minimal authgear.secrets.yaml:
authgear.secrets.yaml is now generated in your working directory.
Create docker-compose.yaml
The next step is to create docker-compose.yaml to setup PostgreSQL, Redis, and Authgear.
You can start with the following docker-compose.yaml:
Edit authgear.secrets.yaml
The three services run in the same network. We have to ensure Authgear can connect to PostgreSQL and Redis.
Check authgear.secrets.yaml and see if it looks like the following:
Start PostgreSQL and Redis
Authgear depends on them so they have to be started first.
Run database migration
Run the database migration:
Get it running
Run everything with:
Verify everything is working
Visit http://localhost:3000 and try signing up as a new user!
Last updated
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